This picture has been taken with a modified Canon EOS 60D. A special Hα Filter has been used to present the distribution of the hydrogen gas within the famous star formation Cygnus.

Figure 1: Colored impression of the interstellar gas distribution in the milky way within Cygnus star formation. Broad band filters include both hydrogen Hα and nitrogen N-II spectral lines.


Figure 2: Contrasted black and white image of the Cygnus star formation. 

Telescope: Canon EF 100 mm teleoptics mounted on Meade LXD75
Camera: Canon EOS 60D, clear glass modification (internal filter removed), 400 ASA
Filter: Astronomik Hα 6nm Filter
Exposure: 20 x 60s
Calibration: Dark (100 images), Sky-Flat (100 images)
Image Processing: Shift & add with correction of subpixel movement, improved noise reduction
Date of exposure: 03 November 2011
Software: ArgusPro SE, color saturation enhanced with Photoshop CS3