This is a first approach to run long exposure imaging using a 50 mm f/1.4 optics with my Canon EOS 60D(a).

Barnard's Loop is a widely distributed hydrogen emission region in our galaxy found in the Orion star constellation. The distributed gas is existed by hot stars. However the emitted light intensities are very low. Image intensities are scaled to visualize the very faint hydrogen gas emission in this region. The Orion star constellation can be easily identified from the image. The famous Orion nebula appears overexposed. The famous horsehead nebula appears relatively bright at Orion's left belt star. 


Optics: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 used at f/2.8
Camera: Canon EOS 60D, clear glass modification (internal filter removed), 400 ASA
Filter: Optolong L-eNhance clip filter for Canon EOS
Exposure: 126 x 30 sec, total 01:03 hours
Calibration: Dark (200 images), skyflat (50 images)
Image Processing: Shift & add with correction of subpixel movement
Date of exposure: 01 Feb 2025
Software: ArgusPro SE, version 1.0.5474
Remark: Image post processing using an additional flat to compensate for scattering light